
Michael Naef – Videos

Diver Outline


sportlounge, June 2015

The series "Tscheggsch de Pögg" explains different aspects of sports in a short clip. This one was about holding the breath for static apnea.

See it on the SRF Homepage at sportlounge vom 15.06.2015.

Talk at g&g Weekend with Dani Fohrler, Juli 2012

glanz & gloria vom 15.07.2012

Review of the past week «Frey von Sinnen» together with the parkour-duo Kevin Fluri and Chris Harmat. (full broadcast as

Glanz & Gloria «Frey von Sinnen», July 2012

glanz & gloria vom 10.07.2012

In the summer series «Frey von Sinnen», Glanz & Gloria moderator Annina Frey challenges herself in various tasks such as parkour, wrestling, helping out at Renzo Blumenthals farm, kajaking and in freediving. (full broadcast at

Aeschbacher «Spektakulär», Nov. 2010

Aeschbacher vom 18.11.2010

Guest in Kurt Aeschbacher's talk show on the topic «Spectacular» together with Andy Holzer, a blind mountaineer, Katharina Heyer, Whale protectionist, and Baze, Swiss Rapper. (full broadcast at

Swiss Championship Deepdiving 2010, Herrliberg ZH

Screenshot Sportlounge

The sports magazine "Sportlounge" (SF2) reported about the Swiss championship in deepdiving at the lake Zürisee on 27. september 2009. Patrick Manser and Michael Naef have been portrayed.

Minicomp 2010, Dahab - Free Immersion

Ai Futaki filmed the competitions in Dahab/Sharm el Sheikh. Ai took the underwater footage on apnea herself. Free immersion to -65m in 2:53.

World Championship 2009, Aarhus - Static

AIDA indoor apnea world championship in Aarhus (Denmark). Michael Naef with a new national record (7:49). Coached by Betti Wolfer, camera by Peter Colat.

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